How You Can Get A Sole Custody
How You Can Get A Sole Custody
In a custody case, most of the parents wants to achieve is getting a full custody of their child. But most of the time parents don’t know, or how to get sole custody it is crucial to understand how to get sole custody to reach your goal of having the care of your child.
Seeing both of you raising your child is what the judges want to look at, but you have to show the judges why do you deserve the full custody of the child if you wanted it.
The First Step in the Process of Getting Sole Custody
The first step in the process of getting sole custody is to file full custody. And if your spouse agrees with it, this can prevent having more issue like fighting for full custody. This can give less stress, and expenses for both party,
If you and your spouse is never married but had a child, you may also file full custody, but the process of filing this is similar to filling full custody in a divorce.
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